The clutter award (clutter = C. Lutter) competing in the category “Crappiest Food With The Cutest Mascot” goes to….. PANDA EXPRESS!!!
How can a panda, so cute, huggable, and innocent wreak such havoc on my digestive system? That food was terrible, but everytime I felt the intestinal rumblings of a potential iceland-esque volcanic eruption, I would look down at this soy sauce packet and the adorable panda would melt my heart. I would not let him down. And though the slimy pieces of pepper chicken and the rubber chunks of beef were tough to stomach, I continued to consume in order to not hurt his feelings or give him any indication at all that his food sucked.
That is too funny. Have you given any more awards? I nominate worst location for a hockey team. Phoenix!
Worse sports fans. Philadelphia – after guards tossed out his friend for disorderly conduct/foul language, the remaining drunk stuck his finger down his throat and puked on the man’s (reporting the incident) child.